Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sock Platypuses!

So here are 2 different ways of how to make sock platypuses!

Way number 1,this way requires alot of hand sewing:

You Will Need

Step1: Cut your sock into thirds, then remove the heel.
Fold the foot part flat like the sock would be if you were wearing it. Sew across the toe part to make the bill.

Step2:Stuff your sock and sew its back seam shut. Then, cut the corners off of the platypus bill and sew shut. Then to get rid of the corners where the toe of the sock was, I pushed the corners into the sock and sewed the seam into the sock.

Step3:Take the middle section of your sock and cut a strip about 2/3 across for the tail. Round the corners on one side.
Flip inside out and sew from the end of the tail all the way down the side to make a pocket. Flip the pocket right side out and sew it shut.

Step4:Now for the last part of your sock, this is going to be the legs.

Fold lengthwise into thirds and cut a strip. Fold the strip into thirds and cut on the creases. Then, fold the remaining 2/3 of the sock and cut a piece out the same size as the other 3 legs.

Step5:Fold each piece inside out and sew it into a pocket. Then flip right side out, stuff, and sew shut. I made each of the 4 legs a step to show what to do for each leg.

Step6:Now for that strip of fabric leftover from the tail section. Fold into fourths, and cut accordingly. Then fold each piece inside out and draw your foot design on each piece. (I only did two toes because I'm lazy today) Sew up the side, across the top, and back down the other side. Flip right side out and sew shut.

Step7:Now you are going to sew the feet onto the bottoms of your platypus' stumpy legs.

Step8:Sew the button eyes on, then sew his legs on. You can use the eyes as a guideline to where it's legs will go.

And finally, your funny looking sock platypus is complete!

Way number2,this way requires NO sewing:

Sock Platypus Craft for KidsWhat you will need:

A very stretchy baby sock. The one used here was 100% polyester.Sock Crafts for Kids

Tiny rubber bands (You can find these in the hair accessories section of a department store.)

Poly-fil for stuffing the socks

Small black eyes, one finger cut from a glove, and brown felt or fun foam for the feet.

Scissors, and a hot melt glue gun (one that uses low temp. glue sticks).

What to do:

1. If your sock has a cuff that is folded down and sewed to the inside of the sock, turn the sock inside out and carefully cut the stitching and unfold the cuff. This will make the sock longer.

2. Use a small amount of poly-fil to stuff the toe of the sock to about half way to the heal of the sock to make the head of the platypus. Use a small rubber band to tie off the head. (See the general directions above on how to make no-sew sock dolls.)

3. Cut a finger off a glove and curl up the cut end a little. Stuff the finger just a little and then glue the cut end of the finger onto the head of the platypus to make the beak.

4. Fill the heal of the sock with poly-fil so that it is stiff. This is the body of the platypus. Secure the body with a rubber band.

5. To make the tail cut the cuff of the sock into a tail shape. Glue it closed on the sides and stuff it with poly-fil. Then glue the end closed.

6. To make the eye sockets insert a threaded and knotted needle into the place you would like one eye, pushing it through the head to the other side where you would like the other eye. Cut off the needle and pull the thread to form the eye sockets. Tie the end of the thread to keep the shape. Glue eyes to the eye sockets.

Have Fun with your new sock Platypi!!!!!


  1. I will try to make one! -Jac

  2. I am TRYING to make one... it is not going well.. hehe:)
